The rapid transformation of our communities and our way of life due to modern technologies has impacted sports as well. Artificial intelligence, computational intelligence, data mining …
Understanding broadcast videos is a challenging task in computer vision, as it requires generic reasoning capabilities to appreciate the content offered by the video editing. In this …
Football stands as one of the most successful sports in history thanks to the plethora of professional leagues broadcasted worldwide followed by avid fans further fueled by the …
Tracking devices that can track both players and balls are critical to the performance of sports teams. Recently, significant effort has been focused on building larger broadcast …
The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence has led to significant improvements in automated decision-making. However the increased performance of models often comes at …
Soccer videos are a rich playground for computer vision, involving many elements, such as players, lines, and specific objects. Hence, to capture the richness of this sport and allow for …
Identifying key patterns of tactics implemented by rival teams, and developing effective responses, lies at the heart of modern football. However, doing so algorithmically remains …
Tracking and identifying athletes on the pitch holds a central role in collecting essential insights from the game such as estimating the total distance covered by players or …
Soccer is more than just a game-it is a passion that transcends borders and unites people worldwide. From the roar of the crowds to the excitement of the commentators, every …