P Caldero - Transformation groups, 2002 - Springer
Let G be a simply connected semisimple complex algebraic group. We prove that every Schubert variety of G has a flat degeneration into a toric variety. This provides a …
V Alexeev, M Brion - Selecta Mathematica, 2005 - Springer
We prove that any affine, resp. polarized projective, spherical variety admits a flat degeneration to an affine, resp. polarized projective, toric variety. Motivated by mirror …
M Kogan, E Miller - Advances in Mathematics, 2005 - Elsevier
This note constructs the flat toric degeneration of the manifold F ℓ n of flags in C n due to Gonciulea and Lakshmibai (Transform. Groups 1 (3)(1996) 215) as an explicit GIT quotient …
A Knutson, T Lam, DE Speyer - Journal für die reine und angewandte …, 2014 - degruyter.com
While the projections of Schubert varieties in a full generalized flag manifold G/B to a partial flag manifold G/P are again Schubert varieties, the projections of Richardson varieties …
This book provides an introduction to flag varieties and their Schubert subvarieties. The book portrays flag varieties as an interplay of algebraic geometry, algebraic groups …
Following the historical track in pursuing $ T $-equivariant flat toric degenerations of flag varieties and spherical varieties, we explain how powerful tools in algebraic geometry and …
The theory of Seshadri stratifications has been developed by the authors with the intention to build up a new geometric approach towards a standard monomial theory for embedded …
We introduce the notion of a Seshadri stratification on an embedded projective variety. Such a structure enables us to construct a Newton-Okounkov simplicial complex and a flat …
V Lakshmibai, J Brown - Developments in Mathematics, 2015 - Springer
This monograph represents an expanded version of a series of lectures given by V. Lakshmibai on Grassmannian varieties at the workshop on “Geometric Representation …