Turning back the tide? Local‐scale impacts of climate change may have positive effects by restoring natural riverine habitat and reducing invasive fish density

K Roche, P Jurajda, L Šlapanský… - Freshwater Biology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Global biodiversity is increasingly threatened by habitat loss, climate change, and biological
invasion. However, predictions of impacts on native fauna are hampered by an inadequate …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluation of habitat improvement using two-dimensional fish habitat modeling after the connectivity restoration in an isolated former channel

SH Kim, D Kim, KH Cho - Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2015 - koreascience.kr
Lateral connectivity between a main channel and a former channel plays an integral role in
maintaining ecological functions of stream-floodplain ecosystems. This study virtually …

The Concept and Assessment of River Continuity: Review of Global Trends for Domestic Application

Y Choi, DH Lee, KA You, KH Chang… - Korean Journal of …, 2024 - koreascience.kr
Recently, Korean government has incorporated the assessment and restoration of river
continuity as a key component of its integrated water management policy. While …

Development of Hydraulic Analysis and Assessment Models for the Restoration of Ecological Connectivity in Floodplains Isolated by Levees

SD Chegal, GJ Cho, CW Kim - Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2016 - koreascience.kr
River restoration has recently been performed not only for the improvement of the artificial
parts in the past but also for the restoration of abandoned river reaches which were blocked …

The influence of chemical water quality on fish trophic guilds, pollution tolerance, and multi-metric ecological health in the main streams of Mangyeong River

HH Na, SJ Lee, KG An - Korean Journal of Environmental Biology, 2019 - koreascience.kr
The objectives of this study were to analyze the influence of chemical water quality on fish
guilds, pollution tolerance and the multi-metric ecological health, based on the Fish …

A comparison of geomorphological and hydrological methods for delimitation of flood plain in the Mankyung River, Korea

JS Kim, CJ Lee, JH Kim, C Choi… - Ecology and Resilient …, 2015 - koreascience.kr
River areas include channels, floodplains and all the areas affected by physical and
ecological processes in river systems. It is noticeably different from present riparian zone …

하천연속성의개념과평가: 국외사례비교를통한국내적용성고찰

최예림, 이대희, 유경아, 장광현, 김정희 - 생태와환경, 2024 - kiss.kstudy.com
Recently, Korean government has incorporated the assessment and restoration of river
continuity as a key component of its integrated water management policy. While …

[PDF][PDF] 하천제방에의하여차단된홍수터에서생태적연결성회복을위한수리분석및평가모형개발

제갈선동, 조길제, 김창완 - Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2016 - static4.apub.kr
최근 하천복원 사업은 과거 인공적인 부분을 개선하는 범위를 벗어나 격리차단된 구하도까지
복원하는 수준에 이르렀다. 구하도 복원은 하천 제방과 같은 종적 구조물에 의해 차단된 공간의 …

[PDF][PDF] 지형학적및수문학적방법에의한만경강홍수터획정방법비교

김지성, 이찬주, 김주훈, 최천규… - Ecology and Resilient …, 2015 - static4.apub.kr
하천공간이란 하천시스템과 관련된 물리적· 생태적 프로세스에 영향을 받는 홍수터, 하도를
모두 포함하는 공간을의미하므로, 제방에 의해 인위적으로 차단된 현재의 하천구역과는 분명히 …

[PDF][PDF] 2 차원어류서식처모의를이용한격리된구하도의연결성복원에따른서식지개선평가

김석현, 김다나, 조강현 - Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure, 2015 - researchgate.net
하천 본류와 구하도 사이의 횡적 연결성은 하천-홍수터 생태계에서 생태적 기능을 유지하는데
매우 중요하다. 본 연구는 2 차원 평균수심 유한요소 모형인 River2D 를 사용하여 만경강에서 …