The embarrassment of riches? A meta-analysis of individual-level research on voter turnout

K Smets, C Van Ham - Electoral studies, 2013 - Elsevier
Voter turnout has puzzled political scientists ever since Anthony Downs postulated the
paradox of voting. Despite decades of research aiming to understand what drives citizens to …

[引用][C] The New Politics of Class: The Political Exclusion of the British Working Class

G Evans - 2017 -
This book explores the new politics of class in 21st century Britain. It shows how the
changing shape of the class structure since 1945 has led political parties to change, which …

What can machine learning teach us about habit formation? Evidence from exercise and hygiene

A Buyalskaya, H Ho, KL Milkman, X Li… - Proceedings of the …, 2023 - National Acad Sciences
We apply a machine learning technique to characterize habit formation in two large panel
data sets with objective measures of 1) gym attendance (over 12 million observations) and …

Is voting habit forming? New evidence from experiments and regression discontinuities

A Coppock, DP Green - American Journal of Political Science, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Field experiments and regression discontinuity designs test whether voting is habit forming
by examining whether a random shock to turnout in one election affects participation in …

Habit formation in voting: Evidence from rainy elections

T Fujiwara, K Meng, T Vogl - American Economic Journal: Applied …, 2016 -
We estimate habit formation in voting—the effect of past on current turnout—by exploiting
transitory voting cost shocks. Using county-level data on US presidential elections from 1952 …

[HTML][HTML] Does E-Voting matter for turnout, and to whom?

A Petitpas, JM Jaquet, P Sciarini - Electoral studies, 2021 - Elsevier
Empirical evidence suggests that e-voting has no measurable effects on turnout. However,
existing studies did (or could) not look at e-voting effects on the individual level. We innovate …

Turnout as a habit

JH Aldrich, JM Montgomery, W Wood - Political behavior, 2011 - Springer
It is conventional to speak of voting as “habitual.” But what does this mean? In psychology,
habits are cognitive associations between repeated responses and stable features of the …

[图书][B] Die Erklärung sozialen Handelns: Grundlagen und Anwendung einer integrativen Theorie

C Kroneberg - 2011 -
Die Erklärung sozialen Handelns ist eine Kernaufgabe der Sozialwissenschaften.
Ausgehend von den beiden Konzepten der Definition der Situation und der variablen …

A dynamic analysis of household car ownership

A Nolan - Transportation research part A: policy and practice, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper examines the determinants of household car ownership, using Irish longitudinal
data for the period 1995–2001. This was a period of rapid economic and social change in …

[PDF][PDF] Persistence in political participation

M Meredith - Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2009 -
This paper uses discontinuities imposed by voting-age restrictions to identify the effect of
past eligibility on subsequent participation decisions and partisan identification. It compares …