This article presents a bibliometric analysis conducted on the implementation of sensor- extracted data in the context of Historical Building Information Modeling (HBIM) with a focus …
The work presented in this article was carried out following the fire (April 15, 2019) that ravaged Notre-Dame de Paris. The goal was to establish in a short and limited time-span the …
The geomatic survey in the speleological field is one of the main activities that allows for the adding of both a scientific and popular value to cave exploration, and it is of fundamental …
This paper presents the results of a complex three-dimensional reconstruction of the church of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (Ávila, Spain) as an example of a successful process of …
Geosites are an important part of geoheritage, thus their detailed mapping is crucial for their management, protection and promotion processes. However, there is no specific approach …
The cadastral detail data is used for overlap analysis with digitized graphic cadastral maps to solve the problem of inconsistencies between cadastral maps and the current land …
One of the last and more pressing requests to the researchers working in the field of Geomatics is to research, validate, and propose new strategies for the rapid mapping of …
The three-dimensional registration of industrial facilities has a great importance for maintenance, inspection, and safety tasks and it is a starting point for new improvements …
This paper presents methods for a UAV-based survey of the site “Kuklica” near Kratovo, North Macedonia. Kuklica is a rare natural complex with earth pyramids, and because of its …