Indonesia sebagai wilayah yang memiliki beragam etnis, budaya dan agama dalam kenyataan memiliki beragam pengetahuan lokal yang telah dipraktikkan secara turun …
AP Buana, S Pasamai, S Rahman… - Arena Hukum, 2019 -
This study aims to analyze, explain and find efforts to realiza adat justice in the provice of South Sulawesi. The main focus of this research is how the concept is to strve the re …
AL Tanjung, B Ginting… - Jurnal Media …, 2024 -
Sejak dulu tanah sangat erat hubungannya dengan kehidupan manusia dan merupakan kebutuhan hidup manusia yang mendasar. Adanya sistem pendaftaran tanah akan …
D Farida, H Sarong, D Darmawan… - AL-IHKAM: Jurnal …, 2020 -
Abstract Article 13 paragraph (1) of the Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2008 on the Development of Customary and Indigenous Life discussing customary disputes mentions that ideally, the …
In daily life by people in Indonesia the use of the term customs with customary law is often equated. It is as if the two terms have the same meaning and meaning or even people say …
Along with the development of increasingly modern globalization, the authority and existence of customary institutions for dispute resolution began to be questioned, especially …
The recommendations of this study are as follows.(1) Legal development should use the recognition model of national legal pluralism through the prismatic theory approach so that …
HB Purnomo - J Law Soc Islam Civiliz, 2020 -
This research is aimed to find out how the “zinah” resolution mechanism was done in Trengguno Wetan people and restorative justice implementation in that mechanism. This …
Aceh sebagai sebuah entitas yang unik dengan sejarah yang panjang, tidak diragukan lagi memiliki berbagai kearifan lokal dalam berbagai sektor, baik sektor politik, ekonomi, hukum …