Variational information maximisation for intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning

S Mohamed… - Advances in neural …, 2015 -
The mutual information is a core statistical quantity that has applications in all areas of
machine learning, whether this is in training of density models over multiple data modalities …

Adaptive trajectory analysis of replicator dynamics for data clustering

M Haghir Chehreghani - Machine Learning, 2016 - Springer
We study the use of replicator dynamics for data clustering and structure identification. We
investigate that replicator dynamics, while running, reveals informative transitions that …

Selecting the rank of truncated SVD by Maximum Approximation Capacity

M Frank, JM Buhmann - 2011 IEEE international symposium …, 2011 -
Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) calculates the closest rank-k approximation
of a given input matrix. Selecting the appropriate rank k defines a critical model order choice …

The minimum transfer cost principle for model-order selection

M Frank, MH Chehreghani, JM Buhmann - … 5-9, 2011. Proceedings, Part I …, 2011 - Springer
The goal of model-order selection is to select a model variant that generalizes best from
training data to unseen test data. In unsupervised learning without any labels, the …

[PDF][PDF] Investigating the effect of implementation languages and large problem sizes on the tractability and efficiency of sorting algorithms

TM Fagbola, SC Thakur - International Journal of Engineering …, 2019 -
Sorting is a data structure operation involving a re-arrangement of an unordered set of
elements with witnessed real life applications for load balancing and energy conservation in …

SIMBAD: emergence of pattern similarity

JM Buhmann - Similarity-Based Pattern Analysis and Recognition, 2013 - Springer
A theory of patterns analysis has to suggest criteria how patterns in data can be defined in a
meaningful way and how they should be compared. Similarity-based Pattern Analysis and …

[PDF][PDF] Information-theoretic validation of clustering algorithms

M Haghir Chehreghani - 2013 -
This thesis focuses on an information-theoretic analysis of clustering algorithms. In many
real-world applications, because of imprecise or incomplete measurements, the data is …

Icml2011 unsupervised and transfer learning workshop

DL Silver, I Guyon, G Taylor, G Dror… - Proceedings of ICML …, 2012 -
We organized a data mining challenge in “unsupervised and transfer learning”(the UTL
challenge) followed by a workshop of the same name at the ICML 2011 conference in …

Information-theoretic connectivity-based cortex parcellation

NS Gorbach, S Siep, J Jitsev, C Melzer… - Machine Learning and …, 2012 - Springer
One of the most promising avenues for compiling connectivity data originates from the notion
that individual brain regions maintain individual connectivity profiles; the functional …

Pipeline validation for connectivity-based cortex parcellation

NS Gorbach, M Tittgemeyer, JM Buhmann - NeuroImage, 2018 - Elsevier
Structural connectivity plays a dominant role in brain function and arguably lies at the core of
understanding the structure-function relationship in the cerebral cortex. Connectivity-based …