Linking forest growth with stand structure: Tree size inequality, tree growth or resource partitioning and the asymmetry of competition

DI Forrester - Forest Ecology and Management, 2019 - Elsevier
Stand structure can strongly influence forest growth and other processes, such as the water
balance, carbon partitioning, nutrient cycling and light dynamics. However, individual …

[图书][B] Ecology and management of forest soils

D Binkley, RF Fisher - 2019 -
Contemporary soil science and conservation methods of effective forestry Forests and the
soils that serve as their foundation cover almost a third of the world's land area. Soils …

Linking competition with growth dominance and production ecology

E Fernández-Tschieder, D Binkley - Forest Ecology and Management, 2018 - Elsevier
The development of forests over time is influenced by competition for resources among
trees, leading to patterns of size hierarchy. These two aspects–competition and size …

Tree size inequality reduces forest productivity: an analysis combining inventory data for ten European species and a light competition model

T Bourdier, T Cordonnier, G Kunstler, C Piedallu… - PloS one, 2016 -
Plant structural diversity is usually considered as beneficial for ecosystem functioning. For
instance, numerous studies have reported positive species diversity-productivity …

Inter-annual variability of precipitation constrains the production response of boreal Pinus sylvestris to nitrogen fertilization

H Lim, R Oren, S Palmroth, P Tor-Ngern… - Forest Ecology and …, 2015 - Elsevier
Tree growth resources and the efficiency of resource-use for biomass production determine
the productivity of forest ecosystems. In nutrient-limited forests, nitrogen (N)-fertilization …

Stem production, light absorption and light use efficiency between dominant and non-dominant trees of Eucalyptus grandis across a productivity gradient in Brazil

OC Campoe, JL Stape, Y Nouvellon, JP Laclau… - Forest Ecology and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Brazilian Eucalyptus plantations are some of the most productive forest plantations in the
world, sustaining mean growth rates of 25Mgha− 1year− 1 (50m3ha− 1year− 1) over the 4.7 …

Can fertilization and stand uniformity affect the growth and biomass production in a Pinus taeda plantation in southern Brazil

MS de Souza Kulmann, I Deliberali… - Forest Ecology and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Silvicultural activities employed during stand development are used to manage the
distribution of site resources (light, water and nutrients) to the trees within the stand …

Meteorological seasonality affecting individual tree growth in forest plantations in Brazil

OC Campoe, JSB Munhoz, CA Alvares… - Forest Ecology and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Seasonal meteorological variability within and among years has significant impact on forest
productivity, thus understanding its detailed effects on tree growth contributes to the …

Climate and water availability impacts on early growth and growth efficiency of Eucalyptus genotypes: The importance of GxE interactions

R Rubilar, R Hubbard, V Emhart, O Mardones… - Forest Ecology and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Predicting Eucalyptus plantation productivity in the face of climate change is a key challenge
for intensively managed forest plantations around the world. Forest industry tree …

Modeling of eucalyptus productivity with artificial neural networks

ECS de Freitas, HN de Paiva, JCL Neves… - Industrial Crops and …, 2020 - Elsevier
Although it is easy to list the several factors that influence forest productivity, it is almost
impossible to isolate or measure all biotic and abiotic components that influence crop growth …