Disentangling Housing Supply to Shift towards Smart Cities: Analysing Theoretical and Empirical Studies

P Garcês, CP Pires, J Costa, SF Jorge… - Smart Cities, 2022 - mdpi.com
The search for a pleasant home has concerned people ever since. Paradoxically, people
are facing strong difficulties in finding a decent place to settle their lives in cities. As such, the …

Uncertainty, competition and timing of land development: Theory and empirical evidence from Hangzhou, China

Y Wang, W Tang, S Jia - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and …, 2016 - Springer
Considering the existence of strong policy intervention in China, this paper introduces policy
uncertainty into standard Real Options framework, and provides a theoretical explanation for …

Analyzing form-based zoning's potential to stimulate mixed-use development in different economic environments

WK Hughen, DC Read - Land Use Policy, 2017 - Elsevier
Form-based zoning ordinances can provide real estate developers with the ability to alter
the mix of residential and commercial space included in their projects so long as they …

[PDF][PDF] Risk assessment in estimating the capitalization rate

B Manganelli, P Morano, F Tajani - WSEAS Transactions on …, 2014 - academia.edu
In estimating the market value of a property by income approach, the determination of the
capitalization rate is ordinarily conducted through analogical process. The procedure is …

Developers' heterogeneity and real estate development timing options

Z Dong, TF Sing - Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine developers' optimal development timing
when developers are heterogeneous and have different marginal costs in a real estate …

Developer heterogeneity and competitive land bidding

Z Dong, TF Sing - The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 2014 - Springer
This paper shows that ignoring differences in developers' competitive strength and their
bidding behavior in land auctions leads to distorted valuation of urban lands. Using the …

An investigation of Australian and New Zealand hotel ownership

MJ Turner, C Guilding - Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 2014 - Elsevier
The results of a study seeking to advance a typology of hotel owners as well as examining
the composition of hotel owners in Australia and New Zealand are reported. Interview …

La valutazione del rischio nell'analisi finanziaria di Ellwood per la stima indiretta di immobili urbani

B Manganelli, F Tajani, P Morano - Aestimum: 55, 2, 2009, 2009 - torrossa.com
To estimate the value of a real estate through the capitalization of the incomes, the
determination of the suitable cap rate is generally make with the analogical process. This is …

[PDF][PDF] New housing supply: what do we know and how can we learn more

PM Garcês, CP Pires - CEFAGE-UE Working Paper, 2011 - core.ac.uk
This paper reviews the literature on new housing supply. The paper starts by summariz& ing
the results of the empirical studies on housing supply, showing that overall these studies …

Real Options for risk analysis in estimating the capitalization rate

B Manganelli, P Morano, F Tajani - BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS …, 2013 - iris.unibas.it
A suitable cap-rate is generally determined through an analogical process in order to
estimate the value of any real estate through the capitalization of the incomes. The analogy …