AK Putri, C Kusristanti - Journal Psikologi Forensik Indonesia, 2021 - journal.apsifor.or.id
Literature shows that compared to non-prisoners; prisoners tend to have external locus of control (LoC). Literature also shows that compared to internal LoC, the existence of external …
SN Rokhmah, NPE Pramesti, A Sulaiman - KnE Social Sciences, 2024 - knepublishing.com
The many environmental problems, issues, and natural disasters make Generation Z feel compelled to carry out activities that reflect environmental concerns. One cannot be moved …
Anxiety in female inmates occurs because of the fear that they will be treated poorly or considered worthless, unable to accept their situation with the status that is accepted as a …
A Pebrianti, A Razzaq… - Journal of Society …, 2024 - journal.scidacplus.com
Basically, adjustment involves individuals and their environment, this is also the case with inmates, this is because inmates who have just entered are required to be able to adapt to …
Tindak pidana merupakan suatu perbuatan yang dapat merugikan baik pada diri sendiri maupun orang lain, lebih-lebih perbuatan pidana yang menyebabkan kematian seseorang …
Literature shows that compared to non-prisoners; prisoners tend to have external locus of control (LoC). Literature also shows that compared to internal LoC, the existence of external …
Selama menjalani masa hukuman, narapidana akan dihadapkan pada berbagai permasalahan baik dari dalam ataupun luar dirinya. Salah satu hal yang dapat beperan …
G Saraswati, DR Sawitri - Jurnal Empati, 2016 - ejournal3.undip.ac.id
Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana dinamika keluarga yang mewarnai kehidupan seorang narapidana wanita yang memiliki anak sejak awal terjerat narkoba hingga masuk …
This research used descriptive qualitative, the researcher observed, collected and analyzed the data as well as in the range and concluded. The subject of this research are the …