Kain Tenun Cagcag pada Upacara Manusa Yadnya di Kelurahan Sangkaragung Kabupaten Jembrana

IBPE Suadnyana - Jnanasiddhanta: Jurnal Teologi …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
The manusa yadnya ceremony, the woven cloth is very synonymous in the community of
Sangkaragung Village. Each region or regency in Bali is unique in its various motives and …

Makna Filosofis Upacara Metatah dalam Lontar Eka Prathama

IWT Gunawijaya, AA Putra - Vidya Darsan …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
The implementation of the Yajna ceremony in Bali is arranged in a variety of literary sources,
one of which is Lontar as a source of knowledge in carrying out religious rituals. Eka …

Ajaran Ahimsa Dalam Bhagavadgītă

IMGS Untara, NM Supastri - Vidya Darsan …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Bhagavadgȋtā is a very important holy book which gives a deep spiritual understanding of
life. The Bhagavadgȋtā text is divided into 700 sloka which are summarized in 18 chapters …

Upaya Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Kekerasan Seksual Terhadap Anak

KA Suseni, IMGS Untara - Pariksa: Jurnal …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Tindak pidana perkosaan merupakan salah satu bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan,
sebagai contoh kerentanan posisi perempuan utamanya terhadap kepentingan seksual laki …

Legalitas Upacara Sudhi Wadhani Dalam Hukum Hindu

IM Hartaka, IWT Gunawijaya - PARIKSA: Jurnal …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Sudhi wadhani merupakan salah satu bentuk upacara yang dilaksanakan dalam upaya
individu menyucikan diri melalui janji suci yang diucapkan serta disaksikan oleh pihak …


NKT Srilaksmi, GA Prabawa… - Vidya Darsan …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Human reality, as God's creation, ultimately requires knowledge in understanding the
process of human interaction with the nature of humanity. The method of finding experience …

Konsep Cinta Menurut Mahatma Gandhi

NPS Oktaviani, N Sukmantara - Vidya Darsan …, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Love is one word that is intended to describe the feeling of something that might be liked or
liked. In this world no one can escape love, love is a foundation for building a harmonious …

Tradisi Omed-Omedan Sebagai Bentuk Wisata Budaya Bagi Dunia Pariwisata Di Bali

IWT Gunawijaya, NPDU Dewi - Cultoure: Jurnal …, 2021 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
Balinese culture is very diverse and there is no cultural similarity between one place and
another, this gives a unique to every tradition it implements. Such as the implementation of …

Kekerasan Terhadap Perempuan Perspektif Teologi Hindu

K Lestariani, NLAA Wati - SWARA WIDYA: Jurnal …, 2021 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
In this article, this article discusses violence against women from the perspective of Hindu
theology, where as it is known that committing violence is against law and religion. If …

Hakikatpenyatuan Dalam Samadhi Pada Patanjala Yogadarsana

IGA Suparta - Jnanasiddhanta: Jurnal Teologi Hindu, 2020 - jurnal.stahnmpukuturan.ac.id
The nature of unity in Samadhi Pada (Patanjala Yogadarsana) is a collection of interactions
for a sadhaka who understands spiritual life with the aim of achieving freedom. Practicing …