Influence of electrohydrodynamic flows on intensification of heat-and mass-transfer processes: Part 1. Electrohydrodynamic flows and characteristics of single-stage …

IV Kozhevnikov, MK Bologa - Surface Engineering and Applied …, 2022 - Springer
The results of investigations of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flows using the schlieren method
in the following systems of electrodes are presented:“blade–insulated edge blade,”“blade …

An experimental investigation of a hydrogen, methane and helium gas jet behavior using single hole and hollow cone piezoelectric injector

A Dharamsi - 2021 -
There is now an increasing need for using alternative fuels especially in the transportation
sector, which are more environmentally friendly fuels due to a decrease in fossil fuels and …

Hypersonic Nozzle Characterisation Using CFD

A Webb - 2020 -
The University of Southern Queensland Hypersonic Testing Facility (TUSQ) is used for
experimentation involving supersonic and hypersonic aerodynamics. TUSQ has four …

Schlierenova kamera

D Pongrac - 2018 -
Sažetak Schlierenova kamera uređaj je koji služi za snimanje relativnih tokova fluida
različitih gustoća. U diplomskomu radu opisali bi se efekti kojima se služi uređaj, izradila bi …

Optimization of an optical test bench and analysis of a double injection GDI spray

G SÁENZ RAMOS - 2016 -
Two experimental studies have been performed. First of all, a study of the shadowgraph
image deformation varying the optical bench set-up and its optimization. The study has …