
전상경 - 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 2020 - dbpia.co.kr
본 연구는 최근 메스컴 등을 통하여 인지도 상승과 함께 초. 중 학생들의 상의 희망 직업에
속하는 쉐프가 근무하는 조리부서에 대한 연구이다. 업무에 있어 수직적인 구조를 갖추고 있는 …

The Research Trends and Future Studies on Organizational Silence: Focusing on Concepts of International Studies and Variables of Domestic Research

C Park, J Park - Asia-Pacific Journal of Business, 2023 - koreascience.kr
Purpose-This study examines previous research on organizational silence for several
decades since the concept of organizational silence was firstly suggested in 2000. In this …

A Study on the Chef's Shared Leadership for Effective Job Performance in Hotel Cooking Department

SK Jeon - The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 2020 - koreascience.kr
This study is a study on the cooking department where chefs who belong to the desired job
of elementary and middle school students work together with the recognition increase …

조직공정성과조직시민행동관계에서침묵행동의조절효과: 항공사객실승무원을대상으로

정희용, 조주은 - 관광레저연구, 2021 - dbpia.co.kr
The purpose of this paper is to conduct an empirical study on the effect of organizational
justice of flight attendants and mediating effect of silence behavior on organizational …