Topological phases of matter are ubiquitous in crystals, but less is known about their existence in amorphous systems, that lack long-range order. We review the recent progress …
Although topological band theory has been used to discover and classify a wide array of novel topological phases in insulating and semimetal systems, it is not well suited to …
When subjected to quasiperiodic driving protocols, superconducting systems have been found to harbor robust time-quasiperiodic Majorana modes, extending the concept beyond …
Recently, the study of topological structures in photonics has garnered significant interest, as these systems can realize robust, nonreciprocal chiral edge states and cavity-like confined …
Topological metals are conducting materials with gapless band structures and nontrivial edge-localized resonances. Their discovery has proven elusive because traditional …
In the recent years, photonic Chern materials have attracted substantial interest as they feature topological edge states that are robust against disorder, promising to realize defect …
Nonlinear topological insulators have garnered substantial recent attention as they have both enabled the discovery of new physics due to interparticle interactions, and may have …
In chiral crystals crystalline symmetries can protect multifold fermions, pseudorelativistic masless quasiparticles that have no high-energy counterparts. Their realization in transition …
A Cerjan, TA Loring - arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03515, 2024 -
Recently, the spectral localizer framework has emerged as an efficient approach to classifying topology in photonic systems featuring local nonlinearities and radiative …