Line geometry and 3D graphic statics

I Kodrnja, M Baniček, K Fresl - Građevinar, 2019 -
Sažetak The mathematical basis for the line geometry, with the line as its basic element, is
presented in the paper because the forces that act on a body in space-whether we are …

Prostorna grafostatika

B Živković - 2024 -
Sažetak Prostorna grafostatika bavi se rješavanjem statičkih problema u trodimenzionalnom
prostoru. Ovaj rad analizira ključne aspekte prostorne grafostatike, definirajući osnovne …

[PDF][PDF] Grassmann Algebra and Graphic Statics

I Kodrnja, M Banicek, K Fresl - Future Trends in Civil Engineering …, 2019 -
The advantage of Grassmann algebra when translating basic geometric operations (meet
and join) of incidence geometry into algebraic expressions, which can easily be translated …

Contributed talks

M Banicek, I Kodrnja - 4th Croatian Conference on Geometry and Graphics … -
When a system of external forces is acting on a body, it is easier to understand their overall
effect on the body if they are replaced by a simpler system having the same external effect …

Pravčasta geometrija i prostorna grafostatika

I Kodrnja, M Baniček, K Fresl - Građevinar, 2019 -
Pravčasta geometrija i prostorna grafostatika Page 1 Pravčasta geometrija i prostorna
grafostatika Kodrnja, Iva; Baniček, Maja; Fresl, Kre imir Source / Izvornik: Građevinar, 2019 …

Form-finding method of cable-net structures using Grassmann algebra and mass-points

M Baniček, K Fresl, M Uroš… - Proceedings of IASS …, 2019 -
In the paper, an application of Grassmann algebra and weighted points, called mass-points,
to the Force Density Method (FDM) for cable-net structures is described. In classical …