[HTML][HTML] Ab initio calculation of fluid properties for precision metrology

G Garberoglio, C Gaiser, RM Gavioso… - Journal of Physical …, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
Recent advances regarding the interplay between ab initio calculations and metrology are
reviewed, with particular emphasis on gas-based techniques used for temperature and …

Statistical theory of condensation—Advances and challenges

MV Ushcats, LA Bulavin, VM Sysoev, VY Bardik… - Journal of Molecular …, 2016 - Elsevier
The statistical theory of condensation remains an open interdisciplinary problem for more
than a century. There are only an extremely limited number of specific theoretical examples …

Comprehensive high-precision high-accuracy equation of state and coexistence properties for classical Lennard-Jones crystals and low-temperature fluid phases

AJ Schultz, DA Kofke - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
We report equilibrium molecular simulation data for the classical Lennard-Jones (LJ) model,
covering all thermodynamic states where the crystal is stable, as well as fluid states near …

[HTML][HTML] Virial equation of state as a new frontier for computational chemistry

AJ Schultz, DA Kofke - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022 - pubs.aip.org
The virial equation of state (VEOS) provides a rigorous bridge between molecular
interactions and thermodynamic properties. The past decade has seen renewed interest in …

The Line of Ideal Isothermal Compressibility

EM Apfelbaum - The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2022 - ACS Publications
We have considered the line along which the values of the isothermal compressibility of a
system are the same as they would be for an ideal gas. It was called the κ T line. Various …

Divergence of activity expansions: Is it actually a problem?

MV Ushcats, LA Bulavin, VM Sysoev, SY Ushcats - Physical Review E, 2017 - APS
For realistic interaction models, which include both molecular attraction and repulsion (eg,
Lennard-Jones, modified Lennard-Jones, Morse, and square-well potentials), the asymptotic …

Vapor-phase metastability and condensation via the virial equation of state with extrapolated coefficients

AJ Schultz, DA Kofke - Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2016 - Elsevier
Recently reported virial coefficients for the Lennard-Jones model are extrapolated to very
high order, and the results are used to study the behavior of virial equation of state (VEOS) …

[HTML][HTML] An EOS for the Lennard-Jones fluid: A virial expansion approach

M Gottschalk - AIP Advances, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
A large number (> 30 000) of Monte Carlo simulations in range of 0.002–1.41 ρ* and T*≤ 25
(* for reduced, dimensionless) was performed, producing a dense grid of state points for the …

The Uhlenbeck-Ford model: Exact virial coefficients and application as a reference system in fluid-phase free-energy calculations

R Paula Leite, R Freitas, R Azevedo… - The Journal of chemical …, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
The Uhlenbeck-Ford (UF) model was originally proposed for the theoretical study of
imperfect gases, given that all its virial coefficients can be evaluated exactly, in principle …

Virial and high-density expansions for the Lee-Yang lattice gas

MV Ushcats, LA Bulavin, VM Sysoev, SJ Ushcats - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
On the basis of the recently established “hole-particle” symmetry of the lattice-gas
Hamiltonian, the high-density equation of state has been derived in a form of pressure and …