H Queffelec, DEV Rose - Advances in Mathematics, 2016 - Elsevier
We give an elementary construction of colored sl n link homology. The invariant takes values in a 2-category where 2-morphisms are given by foams, singular cobordisms between sl n …
An idempotented form U (sln) of the quantum enveloping algebra of sln was introduced by Beilinson-Lusztig-MacPherson [1], who also related it to the geometry of partial flag varieties …
AD Lauda, H Queffelec, DEV Rose - Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 2015 - msp.org
We show that Khovanov homology (and its sl 3 variant) can be understood in the context of higher representation theory. Specifically, we show that the combinatorially defined foam …
Given a finite subgroup Γ⊂ SL 2 (C) we define an additive 2-category H Γ whose Grothendieck group is isomorphic to an integral form h Γ of the Heisenberg algebra. We …
We categorify all the Reshetikhin–Turaev tangle invariants of type A. Our main tool is a categorification of the generalized Jones–Wenzl projectors (aka clasps) as infinite twists …
S Cautis, AD Lauda - Selecta Mathematica, 2015 - Springer
Given a strong 2-representation of a Kac–Moody Lie algebra (in the sense of Rouquier), we show how to extend it to a 2-representation of categorified quantum groups (in the sense of …
We prove a conjectured decomposition of deformed sl N link homology, as well as an extension to the case of colored links, generalizing results of Lee, Gornik, and Wu. To this …
This paper studies the derived category of the Quot scheme of rank $ d $ locally free quotients of a sheaf $\mathscr {G} $ of homological dimension $\le 1$ over a scheme $ X …
H Queffelec, D Rose - Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2018 - ams.org
We introduce an $\mathfrak {sl} _n $ homology theory for knots and links in the thickened annulus. To do so, we first give a fresh perspective on sutured annular Khovanov homology …