Background: Workplace-based mindfulness programs have good evidence for improving employee stress and mental health outcomes, but less is known about their effects on …
Recently, the science behin2d mindfulness meditation has increasingly turned towards how and why its practice can result in such varying change. Whether it is with attention …
Unmanaged stress in teachers often triggers burnout, which leads to a rise in healthcare costs and absenteeism. Therefore, teachers' resiliency needs improvement to lower the risk …
This phenomenological inquiry explored how organizational leaders use contemplative practices to foster resilience to stress in the workplace. Recent leadership studies have …
Business schools have transformed from organizations that solely provide a business education to organizations that train future business leaders, perform extensive research …
B Karasakaloğlu - 2022 -
Araştırmada konaklama işletmeleri çalışanlarının liderlik algısı, örgütsel farkındalıkları ve iş performansları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda …
On the basis of evidence that mindfulness training reduces stress and related health problems in clinical and community populations, investment in mindfulness as a workplace …
Organizational spending on mindfulness training programs for leaders and followers continues to abound, while empirical research on employee mindfulness remains dearth …
In recent years mindfulness has become increasingly popular in the world of organizations. This popularity has led to mindfulness resources in organizations being developed faster …