Framework to develop a consolidated index model to evaluate the conservation effectiveness of protected areas

WH Lee, SA Abdullah - Ecological indicators, 2019 - Elsevier
Conservationists and protected area managers spend millions in establishing and
maintaining protected areas every year. However, many studies revealed that the design …

Continued loss of temperate old-growth forests in the Romanian Carpathians despite an increasing protected area network

JAN Knorn, T Kuemmerle, VC Radeloff… - Environmental …, 2013 -
Old-growth forests around the world are vanishing rapidly and have been lost almost
completely from the European temperate forest region. Poor management practices, often …

How successful is the resolution of land-use conflicts? A comparison of cases from Switzerland and Romania

CA Tudor, IC Iojă, I Pǎtru-Stupariu, MR Nită… - Applied …, 2014 - Elsevier
Land-use conflicts are complex disputes that involve heterogeneous parties as well as
environmental and social impacts that are often difficult to resolve. The measures and …

Using social network methodological approach to better understand human–wildlife interactions

I Pătru-Stupariu, A Nita, M Mustăţea… - Land Use Policy, 2020 - Elsevier
Human-wildlife interactions (HWI) are present in areas where wild animals and humans
compete for limited space, sometimes resulting in potentially harmful conflicts on both sides …

Variation and conservation implications of the effectiveness of anti-bear interventions

I Khorozyan, M Waltert - Scientific reports, 2020 -
Human-bear conflicts triggered by nuisance behaviour in public places and damage to
livestock, crops, beehives and trees are among the main threats to bear populations …

Brown bear reintroduction in the Southern Alps: To what extent are expectations being met?

G Tosi, R Chirichella, F Zibordi, A Mustoni… - Journal for Nature …, 2015 - Elsevier
Large carnivores, such as brown bears (Ursus arctos), are flagship species for the
conservation of biodiversity and their reintroduction represents a strong challenge. However …

Assessing global efforts in the selection of vertebrates as umbrella species for conservation

N Yang, M Price, Y Xu, Y Zhu, X Zhong, Y Cheng… - Biology, 2023 -
Simple Summary Conservation funds and resources have long been globally inadequate,
and methods that could maximize conservation outcomes with limited investment, such as …

Will this umbrella leak? A caribou umbrella index for boreal landbird conservation

T Micheletti, S Haché, D Stralberg… - … Science and Practice, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Conservation approaches that efficiently protect multiple values, such as the umbrella
species concept, have been widely promoted with expected dramatic ecosystem changes …

Assessing biological realism of wildlife population estimates in data‐poor systems

VD Popescu, KA Artelle, MI Pop… - Journal of Applied …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Large carnivore management is often contentious, particularly in jurisdictions where hunting
and conservation efforts collide. Regulated hunting is a common management tool, yet …

Knowledge production and learning for sustainable forest management on the ground: Pan-European landscapes as a time machine

P Angelstam, R Axelsson, M Elbakidze, L Laestadius… - Forestry, 2011 -
While sustainable forest management (SFM) policy processes are well developed,
implementation on the ground remains a challenge. Given the diversity of biophysical …