Urban planning is a key component of livability and plays a significant role in making cities more livable. Despite the impact the urban environment has on livability, a comprehensive …
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Parkinson's disease (PD) are important neurodegenerative disorders, especially in an aging population context that prevails in high-developed …
Physical activity is an important health determinant for people's quality of life and well-being. This study intends to (1) identify how the practice of physical activity fits into families' daily …
In recent decades, sustainability has become one of the guiding objectives to inspire substantial changes in urban mobility. Developments are critical to serve a rapidly growing …
A atividade física, enquanto determinante de saúde relacionado com hábitos e estilos de vida, é um elemento importante na influência dos estados de saúde das populações, sendo …
Urbanisation in Europe has been the main cause of agricultural land fragmentation and agricultural land use loss and has given rise to significant socio-economic and …
This study explores the '15-minute city'concept in Hamilton, New Zealand, focusing on challenges related to car dependency and urban sprawl. Triggered by the greater emphasis …
The objective of this analysis is linked to the discussion of urban residential segregation marked by the Brazilian urban land structure and perpetuated by urban planning …
O teletrabalho, adotado por muitas empresas e instituições em resposta à pandemia, contribuiu de forma positiva para a minimização da poluição atmosférica, para o aumento …