[HTML][HTML] Ribosome heterogeneity in stem cells and development

D Li, J Wang - Journal of Cell Biology, 2020 - rupress.org
Translation control is critical to regulate protein expression. By directly adjusting protein
levels, cells can quickly respond to dynamic transitions during stem cell differentiation and …

Trans‐acting translational regulatory RNA binding proteins

RF Harvey, TS Smith, T Mulroney… - Wiley …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The canonical molecular machinery required for global mRNA translation and its control has
been well defined, with distinct sets of proteins involved in the processes of translation …

miRNA-132 orchestrates chromatin remodeling and translational control of the circadian clock

M Alvarez-Saavedra, G Antoun… - Human molecular …, 2011 - academic.oup.com
Mammalian circadian rhythms are synchronized to the external time by daily resetting of the
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in response to light. As the master circadian pacemaker, the …

Translational control in stem cells

S Tahmasebi, M Amiri, N Sonenberg - Frontiers in genetics, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Simultaneous measurements of mRNA and protein abundance and turnover in mammalian
cells, have revealed that a significant portion of the cellular proteome is controlled by mRNA …

Poly (A) binding proteins: are they all created equal?

DJ Goss, FE Kleiman - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: RNA, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
The PABP family of proteins were originally thought of as a simple shield for the mRNA poly
(A) tail. Years of research have shown that PABPs interact not only with the poly (A) tail, but …

A specialized mechanism of translation mediated by FXR1a-associated microRNP in cellular quiescence

SIA Bukhari, SS Truesdell, S Lee, S Kollu, A Classon… - Molecular cell, 2016 - cell.com
MicroRNAs predominantly decrease gene expression; however, specific mRNAs are
translationally upregulated in quiescent (G0) mammalian cells and immature Xenopus …

Poly (A)-binding proteins: structure, domain organization, and activity regulation

IA Eliseeva, DN Lyabin, LP Ovchinnikov - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2013 - Springer
RNA-binding proteins are of vital importance for mRNA functioning. Among these, poly (A)-
binding proteins (PABPs) are of special interest due to their participation in virtually all …

Cap-proximal nucleotides via differential eIF4E binding and alternative promoter usage mediate translational response to energy stress

A Tamarkin-Ben-Harush, JJ Vasseur, F Debart, I Ulitsky… - Elife, 2017 - elifesciences.org
Transcription start-site (TSS) selection and alternative promoter (AP) usage contribute to
gene expression complexity but little is known about their impact on translation. Here we …

Oviductal secretion and gamete interaction

S Ghersevich, E Massa, C Zumoffen - Reproduction, 2015 - rep.bioscientifica.com
A reliable, easy to assess marker for fertility in agricultural species would be highly desirable
and Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) is a promising candidate. This review summarizes …

Control of messenger RNA fate by RNA‐binding proteins: an emphasis on mammalian spermatogenesis

RK Idler, W Yan - Journal of andrology, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Posttranscriptional status of messenger RNAs (mRNA) can be affected by many factors,
most of which are RNA‐binding proteins (RBP) that either bind mRNA in a nonspecific …