A data-based reduced-order model (ROM) is developed to accelerate the time integration of stiff chemically reacting systems by effectively removing the stiffness arising from a wide …
PyCSP is a Python package for the analysis and simplification of chemically reacting systems, using algorithms based on the Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP) theory …
We leverage the computational singular perturbation (CSP) theory to develop an adaptive time-integration scheme for stiff chemistry based on a local, projection-based, reduced order …
Turbulent premixed flames at high Karlovitz numbers exhibit highly complex structures in different reactive scalar fields to the extent that the definition of the flame front in an …
S Xi, J Xue, F Wang, X Li - Combustion and Flame, 2020 - Elsevier
Abstract n-decane and n-dodecane are important components in transport fuels and detailed combustion mechanisms with a large number of species and reactions applicable …
Liquid rocket engines equipped with LOx/GCH4 pintle injectors represent a promising technology when a large throttling capability is required. Still, limited amounts of data are …
Analyzing methane–oxygen rocket propellant combinations requires suitable modeling of the major chemical reaction processes. Although several detailed kinetic mechanisms for …
Abstract Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of turbulent reacting flows carried out with detailed kinetic mechanisms have a key role for the discovery of the physical and chemical …
There is a growing interest in leaner burning internal combustion engines as an enabler for higher thermodynamic efficiency. The extension of knock-limited compression ratio and the …