ОО Шрайнер, СИ Улътан - От синергии знаний к синергии бизнеса, 2018 - elibrary.ru
Бережливое производство-метод, который направлен на повышение эффективности работы учреждения, в резулътате чего происходит уменъшение количества потеръ …
M Alshurideh - Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control …, 2020 - academia.edu
Recently, organizations must look into quality improvement initiative tools for improving organizational performance. Effective quality improvement strategy such as Lean Six Sigma …
The aim of this research is to present and discuss the challenges of achieving sustainable competitive advantage through effective project management assets, processes and …
C Buckell, M Macintyre - Learning in the Digital Era: 7th European Lean …, 2021 - Springer
Abstract Public Service Organisations (PSOs) are facing continuing funding challenges and increased pressure to maintain and improve service delivery with fewer resources. One …
Sexual violence is a significant problem found all around the world. It has negative implications in society in the short and long term with biopsychosocial and economically …