In research on fatherhood premiums and motherhood penalties in career-related outcomes, employers' discriminatory behaviours are often argued to constitute a possible explanation …
Using data from the Swedish Level of Living Survey (2000, 2010), we investigate how the gender wage gap varies with occupational prestige and family status and also examine the …
Recent research has suggested that there is a trade-off between the 'family-friendliness' of jobs, occupations and welfare states on the one hand and women's relative wages on the …
C Magnusson - Work, employment and society, 2016 -
The gender wage gap within a highly prestigious occupation, the medical profession, is investigated both longitudinally and cross-sectionally using Swedish administrative data …
Abstract Melldahl, A. 2014. Utbildningens värde. Fördelning, avkastning och social reproduktion under 1900-talet.(The Value of Education. Distributions, Returns and Social …
Recent research points to the importance of studying differences in fertility across the labor market. The possibility to combine work and parenthood may, for example, differ across …
Det finns ett flertal studier som visar att kvinnors och mäns löner hänger samman med föräldraskap i allmänhet och föräldraledighet i synnerhet. Lönen är lägre ju längre en …
There is a positive association between education and longevity. Individuals with a university degree tend to live longer than high school graduates who, in turn, live longer …
R Cox, T Anving, S Eldén - Handbook on Migration and the Family, 2023 -
Families are more than intimate relationships amongst kin. They are intertwined in networks of complex ties between people and across borders, they are part of global flows of labour …