Warum wird zunehmend Teamfaehigkeit in Stellenanzeigen gefordert? Wie wirkt sich dies auf die Bewerbungsentscheidung potenzieller Arbeitnehmer aus? Und welche Rolle spielt …
A Bäker, K Pull - Additive Teamwork (April 25, 2013), 2013 - papers.ssrn.com
Teams are everywhere in economic life. Yet teamwork might take different forms: real teamwork on the one hand and additive teamwork on the other. With an appropriately …
We analyze self-selection decisions regarding teamwork both theoretically and empirically. While we focus on individual talent, we also investigate the effects of team tasks, individual …
M Kirkilionis, U Kummer, I Stoleriu - 2006 - researchgate.net
The second UniNet workshop was dedicated to the basic scientific idea of the UniNet consortium: to study scientific problems that can be expressed as networks of varying …