Statistical mechanics of complex networks

R Albert, AL Barabási - Reviews of modern physics, 2002 - APS
Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society. Frequently cited
examples include the cell, a network of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, and the …

[图书][B] The probabilistic method

N Alon, JH Spencer - 2016 -
Praise for the Third Edition “Researchers of any kind of extremal combinatorics or theoretical
computer science will welcome the new edition of this book.”-MAA Reviews Maintaining a …

[图书][B] What is percolation?

G Grimmett, G Grimmett - 1999 - Springer
Suppose we immerse a large porous stone in a bucket of water. What is the probability that
the centre of the stone is wetted? In formulating a simple stochastic model for such a …

Percolation and disordered systems

E Giné, GR Grimmett, L Saloff-Coste… - Lectures on Probability …, 1997 - Springer
This course aims to be a (nearly) self-contained account of part of the mathematical theory of
percolation and related topics. The first nine chapters summarise rigorous results in …

[图书][B] Probability theory: a comprehensive course

A Klenke - 2013 -
This second edition of the popular textbook contains a comprehensive course in modern
probability theory, covering a wide variety of topics which are not usually found in …

[图书][B] Percolation

B Bollobás, O Riordan - 2006 -
Percolation theory was initiated some fifty years ago as a mathematical framework for the
study of random physical processes such as flow through a disordered porous medium. It …

[图书][B] Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie

A Klenke - 2006 - Springer
Das vorliegende Buch basiert auf den vierstündigen Vorlesungen Stochastik I und
Stochastik II, die ich in den vergangenen Jahren an der Universität zu Köln und an der …

[图书][B] The random-cluster model

G Grimmett - 2006 - Springer
Therandom-clustermodelwasinventedbyCees [Kees] FortuinandPietKasteleyn around 1969
as a uni? cation of percolation, Ising, and Potts models, and as an extrapolation of electrical …

The objective method: probabilistic combinatorial optimization and local weak convergence

D Aldous, JM Steele - Probability on discrete structures, 2004 - Springer
This survey describes a general approach to a class of problems that arise in combinatorial
probability and combinatorial optimization. Formally, the method is part of weak …

Regularity properties and pathologies of position-space renormalization-group transformations: Scope and limitations of Gibbsian theory

ACD Van Enter, R Fernández, AD Sokal - Journal of Statistical Physics, 1993 - Springer
We reconsider the conceptual foundations of the renormalization-group (RG) formalism, and
prove some rigorous theorems on the regularity properties and possible pathologies of the …