[PDF][PDF] On Constructivism

H Shuard, G Brousseau, GS Hall - 2008 - academic.sun.ac.za
▪ Rather, the learner is viewed as an active participant who constructs his/her 2 own
knowledge. The learner comes to the learning situation with his own existing knowledge; …

Didáctica da matemática e formação inicial de professores num contexto de resolução de problemas e de materiais manipuláveis

I Vale - 2000 - search.proquest.com
É geralmente aceite que os professores podem desempenhar um papel determinante na
aprendizagem da Matemática uma vez que são os principais responsáveis pela …

Case study on mathematics pre-service teachers' difficulties in problem posing

A Mallart, V Font, J Diez - Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and …, 2018 - ejmste.com
This research is presented in a way that provides useful knowledge for successful problem
posing by mathematics pre-service teachers. We present a review of the concept of …

Twinned teachers' mathematical discourse using problem-solving

TP Makgakga - Journal of Culture and Values in Education, 2023 - cultureandvalues.org
Discussing and debating mathematical ideas through integrating natural and mathematical
language is vital for conceptual understanding and ultimately for learner performance. In …

Numerical thinking

L Verschaffel, B Greer, J Torbeyns - … of research on the psychology of …, 2006 - brill.com
In their chapter in the precursor to this volume, on the (psychological aspects of) early
arithmetic, Bergeron and Herscovics (1990) raised some of the major issues on which …

Can the Fourth Industrial Revolution resolve why the teaching of mathematics in the current paradigm continues to be decontextualised and ineffective

K Luneta - Mathematics Education in Africa: The Fourth Industrial …, 2022 - Springer
The conversation about the mathematics curriculum, its relevance to the current discourse,
and its positive contribution to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) appear to take …

Metaphors and models in translation between college and workplace mathematics

J Williams, G Wake - Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2007 - Springer
We report a study of repairs in communication between workers and visiting outsiders
(students, researchers or teachers). We show how cultural models such as metaphors and …

[PDF][PDF] Noticing in pre-service teacher education: Research lessons as a context for reflection on learners' mathematical reasoning and sense-making

H Wessels - Invited lectures from the 13th international congress …, 2018 - library.oapen.org
Professional noticing of learners' mathematics reasoning is a crucial ingredient of a
mathematics teacher's set of teaching competencies. Research lessons in the lesson study …

An investigation into the development of mathematical modelling competencies of grade 7 learners.

P Biccard - 2010 - scholar.sun.ac.za
Mathematical modelling is becoming a popular teaching and learning approach in
mathematics education. There is however a need within the modelling domain to identify …

Constructivism using group work and the impact on self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and group work skills on middle-school mathematics students

NM Moore - 2005 - search.proquest.com
The dynamic workforce today's students will be entering demands employees with solid
mathematical understanding, skills for analyzing and solving problems, communication …