That's an Order! How the Quest for Efficiency Is Transforming Judicial Cooperation in Europe

SA Brekke, D Naurin, U Šadl… - JCMS: Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Effective procedural arrangements allow courts to reconcile conflicting demands of timely
justice and sound legal argument. In the context of the European Union, conflict between …

A Matter of Prescriptive Clarity? Analysing How Swedish Judges' Motives for Action Vary in the Preliminary Ruling Procedure

K Leijon - JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This article explores how national judges' reasoning in the preliminary ruling procedure
varies depending on the prescriptive clarity of European Union (EU) legal frameworks …


B Bricker, CJ Carrubba, MJ Gabel - 2023 -
This chapter discusses and provides a thorough review of scholarship on judicial referrals.
The scholarship on referrals has grown tremendously in the twenty-first century, with most of …

National Courts Proposing Answers to the Questions Referred for Preliminary Ruling

D Petrić - ZEuS Zeitschrift für Europarechtliche Studien, 2024 -
In the preliminary ruling procedure under Article 267 TFEU, national courts refer questions of
interpretation of EU law to the Court of Justice of the EU. At times, national courts not only …

The End of History in EU Law and Politics? Challenging Founding Narratives with a New Research Agenda

S Cheruvu, T Pavone - … Founding Narratives with a New Research …, 2023 -
We reassess two foundational narratives of European legal integration that appeared to
corroborate “end of history” claims in post-Cold War international and comparative politics …

[PDF][PDF] Domstolar, politik och regeringsformen–ett berättigat forskningsfält

K Leijon - De Lege, 2024 -
Domstolarnas roll i det politiska systemet har varit ett återkommande tema i den offentliga
debatten under 2010-talet, inte minst vad gäller hur Europeiska unionen (EU) ska agera när …

Evropská zletilost českých (nejvyšších) soudů aneb prvních 18 let předběžných otázek z Brna

N Dřínovská, Z Vikarská - Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, 2023 -
Tento článek nabízí analýzu všech předběžných otázek, které od vstupu České republiky do
EU vzešly od obou českých nejvyšších soudů. V předkládaném textu nejprve stručně …

[PDF][PDF] On Poland and Beyond

MA Kozlová, LLM BA -
“The rule of law never dies by itself. This death always requires the assistance of lawyers.
Every populist and authoritarian regime leans on them, depends on them. Someone must …

[PDF][PDF] Prejudiciálna otázka o výklade práva Európskej únie a právo na spravodlivý proces

M Hodás - Právny obzor, 2023 -
Preliminary question on the interpretation of European Union law and the right to a fair trial.
The polycentrism of the law-making has implications for court proceedings. The decision of …

Sodna praksa Sodišča EU s področja delovnega prava: magistrsko delo

A Smodič - 2023 -
V magistrskem delu sem predstavila evropsko delovno pravo, Sodišče Evropske unije (v
nadaljevanju SEU) in predhodno odločanje v evropskem pravu. Nato sem predstavila deset …