[HTML][HTML] Exploring the relationship between nurses' communication satisfaction and patient safety culture

LW Noviyanti, A Ahsan, TS Sudartya - Journal of public health …, 2021 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: Patient safety culture is associated with the values, attitudes, competencies
and behaviors that support the safe conduct of individual or group activities in hospitals and …

The relationship between caring preceptor, self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and new nurse performance

MH Kurniawan, RTS Hariyati, E Afifah - Enfermeria clinica, 2019 - Elsevier
Objective It is not uncommon for new nurses to experience dissatisfaction and
underperformance in their professional practice as a nurse in their first year on the job. In …

Analysis Head Nurses' Leadership Styles to Staff Inpatient Nurses' Job Performance in Hospital

B Suwarno - International Journal of Science, Technology & …, 2023 - ijstm.inarah.co.id
This research explores and focuses on the nursing profession, because there is still a lack of
research in knowing the relationship between nurse leadership styles and nurse …

Nurse performance: A path model of clinical leadership, creative team climate and structural empowerment

H Kuşçu Karatepe, E Türkmen - Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aims and Objectives This study aimed to:(a) identify and examine the influence of
clinical leadership, creative team climate (CTC) and structural empowerment (SE) on the …

The Effect of Job Motivation, Job Satisfaction, and Attitude towards Profession on Nurse Performance in Outpatient Clinic of Prof. Dr. RD Kandou Hospital

NH Kapantow, MR Luddin, DC Kambey - KnE Social Sciences, 2020 - knepublishing.com
In an effort to achieve the goals set by hospital, qualified nurses are needed. Qualified
nurses must show good performance. There are many factors that affect nurse performance …

Supervisi kepala ruang model proctor untuk meningkatkan pelaksanaan keselamatan pasien

SHP Nugroho, U Sujianto - Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 2017 - jki.ui.ac.id
Insiden terkait keselamatan pasien semakin meningkat, sehingga diperlukan penanganan
akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh supervisi kepala ruang model Proctor …

Aplikasi Mobile–Health sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pelayanan Keperawatan Anak dengan Penyakit Kronis pada Setting Home Hospital

D Efendi, D Sari - Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia, 2017 - jki.ui.ac.id
Dominasi penyakit pada anak di Indonesia mulai bergeser dari penyakit akut menjadi
penyakit kronis. Perawatan jarak jauh (home hospital) merupakan tren pada anak dengan …

Analisis Faktor Gaya kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan terhadap Kinerja Perawat di Ruangan Rawat Inap Kelas 3

RW Mahatvavirya, E Girsang - JUMANTIK (Jurnal Ilmiah Penelitian …, 2021 - jurnal.uinsu.ac.id
Metode Jenis penelitian metode kuantitatif merupakan penelitian analitik dengan
pendekatan potong lintang (cross sectional) dimana proses pengambilan data dilakukan …

Pengaruh Fungsi Pengarahan Ketua Tim Terhadap Kinerja Perawat di Kabupaten Indramayu

WN Aeni, W Winani… - Jurnal Kesehatan Indra …, 2019 - ojs.stikesindramayu.ac.id
Kinerja perawat akan mempengaruhi lama hari rawat pasien, tingkat kepuasan pasien, juga
citra rumah sakit. Pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan dapat dioptimalkan salah satunya …

Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja perawat di unit rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ungaran Kabupaten Semarang

ANM Arsita, A Sriatmi… - Media Kesehatan …, 2020 - ejournal.undip.ac.id
Latar belakang: Sebagai pelayanan publik di bidang kesehatan, rumah sakit harus
menjamin mutu pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien sebagai pengguna layanan …