KN Parsons, G Jones - Animal conservation forum, 2003 -
We radio-tracked 24 Myotis daubentonii and 35 Myotis nattereri during the swarming season to determine the catchment area of a swarming site and to study habitat preferences of the …
The shelters of greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis in forests were rarely observed in Poland till now. Single individuals were recorded in bat boxes. During research single …
A LE HOUEDEC, E PETIT… - Bretagne Vivante-SEPNB, 2008 -
2.1 Définition du swarming 7 2.2 Quand a lieu le swarming? 7 2.3 Où peut-on observer du swarming? 8 2.4 Qui" swarme"? 8 2.5 Corrélats environnementaux du swarming 8 2.6 …
R Toffoli, P Culasso - Rivista piemontese di Storia naturale, 2010 -
La conservazione dei Chirotteri dipende da misure di tutela che considerino le esigenze ecologiche in tutte le fasi del ciclo biologico. Negli ultimi anni si sta ponendo particolare …
(Chiroptera) at a hibernation site Page 1 NIETOPERZE VIII. 1-2 (2007) PL, ISSN 1640-2677 Off-winter activity of Barbastella barbastellus (Chiroptera) at a hibernation site Iwona Gottfried …
Wst¾p Mimo relatywnie bogatej literatury i dŠugiej historii badać rezerwatu ÉKu nikë oraz rynny jezior ku nickich (porÔwnaj: RUTA i OWSIANNY 2004), fauna nietoperzy tego terenu …
On August 26-30, 2002, the University of Le Havre, the University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse and the French Mammal Society (Société Française pour l'Etude et la Protection des …