SN Hellmich - Forum for Social Economics, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The term socioeconomics is widely used, even though it is often connoted to quite divergent understandings about what it actually describes. It sometimes appears as an umbrella term …
D Coghlan - Academy of Management Annals, 2011 -
In the context of management and organization studies, the potential of action research for generating robust actionable knowledge has not been yet realized. While there are historical …
M Roy, P Prévost - Recherches qualitatives, 2013 -
Cet article vise à présenter la recherche-action en tant qu'approche de recherche rattachée au paradigme du pragmatisme dans les sciences de la gestion. Nous retraçons les …
This article brings to light the actual evaluation practices of reviewers when assessing qualitative manuscripts. The authors conducted the first empirical research entirely based on …
This volume is a first for the Research in Management Consulting series. As research and theory building in management consulting have grown rapidly during the past several years …
The impetus for this work emerged from Savall's belief that there is a doubleloop interaction between social and economic factors in organizations, between behaviors and structures …
Zusammenfassung In der Folge von Finanz-, Wirtschafts-und Schuldenkrisen und von kapitalismuskritischen Debatten in den Sozialwissenschaften, selbst im Zentrum der …
L Cappelletti - Crises et nouvelles problématiques de la Valeur, 2010 -
Dans un contexte d'émergence des méthodologies de recherche de terrain en contrôle de gestion, la problématique de l'article porte sur les usages de la recherche-intervention en …
Quarante ans après son invention, l'article étudie l'histoire de la méthode des coûts cachés. Il explique en particulier la genèse de sa conception, ses apports et ses limites tant au plan …