Surveys show a lack of trust in political actors and institutions across much of the democratic world. Populist politicians and parties attempt to capitalise on this political disaffection …
S Michon, É Ollion - Sociologie du travail, 2018 -
À partir d'une revue de littérature extensive des travaux portant sur la professionnalisation politique en France, cet article précise les différentes manières dont ce terme a été mobilisé …
How have the American presidency, the British premiership and the German chancellorship changed over the last half-century? Has there been convergence or divergence in the …
K Detterbeck - Party Politics, 2005 -
In this article I discuss the empirical validity of the cartel thesis, and review three analytical dimensions of the concept: organizational change, functional change and change of party …
Viewers of The Thick of It will know of special advisers as spin doctors and political careerists. Several well-known ministers have been special advisers, among them David …
Every country, every subnational government, and every district has a designated population, and this has a bearing on politics in ways most citizens and policymakers are …
There are three broad sets of qualities that citizens might expect politicians to display: competence, integrity and authenticity. To be authentic, a politician must be judged to be in …
Long term changes in the recruitment patterns of European representative elites can be described as the aggregate result of selectorates' responses to a sequence of fundamental …
H Schoen - Handbuch Wahlforschung, 2014 - Springer
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag stellt ein Modell der Wahlkampfkommunikation vor, das es erlaubt, Akteure, Strategien und Instrumente der Wahlkampfkommunikation systematisch zu …