The Leftover Empire? Imperial Legacies and Statehood in the Successor States of Austria-Hungary 1

G Egry - Postwar Continuity and New Challenges in Central …, 2021 -
82 Gábor Egry satisfied neither the Ministry of Interior nor the Ministry of Defense, and the
city was forced to start working on a solution. Although the process set in motion may have …

De l'ethnicisation de la nationalité à l'indigénat transnational: migration, citoyenneté, paix de Trianon

G Egry - Revue d'Allemagne et des pays de langue …, 2020 -
En Autriche-Hongrie, la citoyenneté ou nationalité était réglée différemment dans chacune
des moitiés de la double monarchie, tout en suivant le même principe d'égalité nominale …

Representatives of the Central Authority and County Administration in Transylvania (1867–1925)

J Pál, V Popovici - Journal of Modern European History, 2023 -
The transition from the administrative system of the Habsburg monarchy to that of the
successor nation-states after World War I has traditionally been analysed in terms of …

Les usages du serment officiel des fonctionnaires hongrois de la Double Monarchie

J Bavouzet - La question du serment. De l'âge du prince à l'ère des …, 2020 -
Sous le dualisme, le serment officiel des fonctionnaires gagne en formalisme, au point de
devenir une institution complexe reflétant la professionnalisation de la fonction publique …

[PDF][PDF] Towards a New—and Broader—History of Hungary's Troubled Peacemaking

B Ablonczy, G Romsics - 2023 -
This research report presents the endeavors and findings of the Trianon 100 Research
Group, which was founded with the support of the Lendület [Momentum] program of the …

Towards a New—and Broader—History of Hungary's Troubled Peacemaking: A Research Report on the Trianon 100 Research Group

B Ablonczy, G Romsics - Historical Studies on Central Europe, 2023 -
This research report presents the endeavors and findings of the Trianon 100 Research
Group, which was founded with the support of the Lendület [Momentum] program of the …

[PDF][PDF] Az erdélyi főszolgabírói kar átalakulása 1918 és 1925 között

A román történetírás sokat foglalkozott az 1918-as fordulattal és ennek erdélyi
következményeivel, de kevés olyan tanulmány született, amelynek témája kimondottan a …

Przejęcie struktur sądownictwa w Siedmiogrodzie w 1919 r.

E Veress - Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne, 2021 -
At the end of 1918, a significant part of Transylvania, a multinational and historical region
belonging to Hungary, came under the military occupation of Romania. In the spring and …

Made in Paris? Contested Regions and Political Regionalism during and after Peacemaking: Székelyföld and Banat in a Comparative Perspective

G Egry - Journal of Romanian Studies, 2019 -
After World War I, when boundaries were redrawn in Europe, two territories were contested.
Székelyföld, the eastern‐most part of the defunct dualist Hungary, was predominantly …