A comprehensive picture of polaron and bipolaron physics is essential to understand the optical absorption spectrum in many materials with electron-phonon interactions. In …
We study static and dynamic properties of an electron coupled to dispersive quantum optical phonons in the framework of the Holstein model defined on a one-dimensional lattice …
We explore the ground state and thermodynamic properties of the polaron coupled to quantum dispersive optical phonons in one spatial dimension. Calculations are performed …
Keeping the full quantum nature of the problem, we compute the relaxation time of the Holstein polaron in one dimension after it was driven far from the equilibrium by a strong …
This work represents a fundamental study of a Holstein polaron in one dimension driven away from the ground state by a constant electric field. Taking fully into account quantum …
We investigate and compare different approaches for handling the dynamical effects of electron-phonon coupling (EPC) on the superconducting properties of two-dimensional (2D) …
J Bonča, SA Trugman, M Berciu - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
We compute the Holstein polaron spectral function on a one-dimensional ring using the finite-temperature T Lanczos method. With increasing T additional features in the spectral …
M Berciu, GL Goodvin - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2007 - APS
We show how to systematically improve the momentum average (MA) approximation for the Green's function of a Holstein polaron by systematically improving the accuracy of the self …
We investigate the thermodynamics and finite-temperature spectral functions of the Holstein polaron using a density-matrix renormalization group method. Our method combines …