Trends in aggregate growth and poverty reduction hide a multiplicity of development processes at the local level. The analysis reported in this paper exploits a unique panel …
MÁM Romero - Forhum International Journal of Social Sciences and …, 2022 -
El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en dar cuenta de las principales contribuciones epistemológicas hechas por los especialistas del crecimiento económico, de la actividad …
El estudio de impacto de los distintos componentes del capital humano como factor de la brecha salarial y ocupación en México, indica que la comprensión lectora, capacidad de …
Resumen GERMAN-SOTO, Vicente; RODRIGUEZ PEREZ, Reyna E. y GALLEGOS MORALES, Alexandra G.. Exposure to globalization and regional convergence in Mexico …
Mexico's regional disparities and national economic performance in the 1940–2013 period is measured to test the question of whether regional imbalances expand or contract with the …
In this paper, we use trends in GDP gaps per capita or relative GDP per capita indicator as an aggregate alternative measure to show regional per capita income inequality between …
RI Valdez - Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional …, 2019 -
Economic growth and externalities are rooted in spatial dynamics, however, their spread over space is not unlimited. In this document it is estimated the strength spatial externalities …
The process of global economic integration is justified by the primary goal of inclusive and balanced growth for all economies, so it is relevant to identify the extent to which this goal …
LI Rodríguez-Gamez… - Ensayos. Revista de …, 2020 -
El objetivo es descubrir el patrón espacial de la convergencia entre municipios mexicanos (1999-2014). El estudio utiliza la regresión geográficamente ponderada (GWR, por sus …