The Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation Challenge (REACT2023) is the first competition event focused on evaluating multimedia processing and machine learning …
J Yu, J Zhao, G Xie, F Chen, Y Yu, L Peng… - Proceedings of the 31st …, 2023 -
Offline Multiple Appropriate Facial Reaction Generation (OMAFRG) aims to predict the reaction of different listeners given a speaker, which is useful in the senario of human …
In dyadic interactions, humans communicate their intentions and state of mind using verbal and non-verbal cues, where multiple different facial reactions might be appropriate in …
This paper presents a framework for generating appropriate facial expressions for a listener engaged in a dyadic conversation. The ability to produce contextually suitable facial …
Human facial reactions play crucial roles in dyadic human-human interactions, where individuals (ie, listeners) with varying cognitive process styles may display different but …
In the realm of dyadic interactions, the ability to generate appropriate facial reactions is paramount for the conveyance of empathy and understanding. This paper introduces a …
As autonomous interactive agents become increasingly prevalent, it is crucial for these virtual agents to understand and respond to both our verbal content and emotions, enabling …
Facial reaction generation has gained prominence in recent years. However, while there has been extensive research on synthesizing facial expressions from the perspective of the …
Creating a human-like interface in human-robot interaction is a formidable challenge. Many efforts have been made to mimic the human ability of attentive listening and synchronous …