Taking on one of the most popular issues of the day—crime and the way we make sense of it— Julian Roberts and Loretta Stalans reveal the mismatch between the public perception of …
The phrase" access to justice" means many things to many people.'It usually connotes having legal" rights" and the freedom to demand remedies for civil wrongs or, when faced …
L Griffin, E Yaroshefsky - Geo. J. Legal Ethics, 2017 - HeinOnline
Over the past few years, scholars, legislators, and politicians have come to recognize that our current state of" mass incarceration" is the result of serious dysfunction in our criminal …
The topic of this symposium, Secrecy, suggests a focus on affirmative decisions shutting out the public by sealing records and closing courtrooms. My interest, in contrast, is in a broader …
RJ Condlin - Cardozo J. Conflict Resol., 2016 - HeinOnline
Until recently the subject of online dispute resolution (" ODR") has been a matter of interest to a relatively small part of the American legal community, 2 but that appears to be changing …
Impartiality stands as a long-established and central pillar of a just legal system,'and an impartial decision maker2-someone who is independent, neutral, disinterested, unbiased …
Justice systems around the world are launching online courts and tribunals as a means to improve their efficiency, increase access to justice, and ameliorate the quality of …
DF Engstrom - U. Pa. J. Const. L., 2021 - HeinOnline
This Essay, wri//enfor afestschrf celebrating/he career and conribuions of Slephen Burbank, grapples wi/h/he proceural impli aio. of/he. s/eay adzance of digi/al legal/noie., or" legal l …