The aim of this paper is studying the groups in which the zeros of every irreducible character are restricted in being p-elements, for some fixed prime p. In particular, we classify the …
We use group schemes to construct optimal packings of lines through the origin. In this setting, optimal line packings are naturally characterized using representation theory, which …
S Marinelli, P Tiep - Algebra & Number Theory, 2013 -
We prove that if all real-valued irreducible characters of a finite group G with Frobenius– Schur indicator 1 are nonzero at all 2-elements of G, then G has a normal Sylow 2-subgroup …
TM Keller - Groups St. Andrews 2001 in Oxford. Vol. II, 2003 -
We give an overview of results on the orbit structure of finite group actions with an emphasis on abstract linear groups. The main questions considered are the number of orbits, the …
A Jaikin-Zapirain - Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2003 -
In this study of the behaviour of the number of conjugacy classes in finite p-groups using pro- p groups, the conjugacy growth function rn (G)= max {r (G/N)| N⊲ o G,| G: N|= n} is …
The structure of the character degree graphs $\Delta (G) $, ie the prime graphs on the set $\mathrm {cd}(G) $ of the irreducible character degrees of a finite group $ G $, such that $ G …
Let G be a finite group, Irr (G)={χi,-', Xk} be the set of all irreducible characters, Cl (G)={CΊ,, Ck} be the conjugacy classes of G, and X {be a representative of Ci. We call G self dual if (by …
In the study of finite groups a sort of duality has been observed between conjugacy classes and irreducible characters, but the connection is quite murky. Abelian groups are special in …