Motivated by recent work on the Modified Maxwell (ModMax) black holes [Phys Lett B 10.1016/j. physletb. 2020.136011], which are invariant in duality rotations and conformal …
Poincaré Gauge's theory of gravity is the most noteworthy alternative extension of general relativity that has a correspondence between spin and spacetime geometry. In this paper …
Gravitational decoupling can add hair to the black holes by adding extra sources. The quasinormal modes of a hairy black hole caused by gravitational decoupling for the …
The timelike and null-like geodesics around compact objects are some of the best tools to classify and understand the structure of a space-time. We study the null geodesics around …
This study explores spherically symmetric non-linear electrodynamics black holes and their effects on light propagation. We derive the governing metric, revealing radial coordinate …
We show that a charged, massive scalar field in the vicinity of an electrically charged Ayón- Beato–García (ABG) regular black hole has a spectrum of quasibound states that (in a …
We study the greybody factors, quasinormal modes, and shadow of the higher dimensional de-Sitter (dS)/anti de-Sitter (AdS) black hole spacetimes derived from the Einstein …
We investigate the scalar absorption spectrum of wormhole solutions constructed via the recently developed thin-shell formalism for Palatini f (R) gravity. Such wormholes come from …
We study the properties of the null geodesics of four-dimensional Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet (4D EGB) black holes surrounded by quintessence matter, recently derived by Shah et …