The report of a half-quantized thermal Hall effect and oscillatory structures in the magnetothermal conductivity in the Kitaev material α-RuCl3 have sparked a strong debate …
The emergence of charge-neutral fermionic excitations in magnetic systems is one of the unresolved issues in recent condensed matter physics. This type of excitations has been …
Using variational matrix product states, we analyze the finite temperature behavior of a half- filled periodic Anderson model in one dimension, a prototypical model of a Kondo insulator …
The new Kondo material YbIr 3 Si 7, similar to other Kondo insulators, has been reported to exhibit charge-neutral fermionic excitations through measurements of specific heat and …
The distinct properties of rare earth compounds often originate from several interactions and disentangling the mechanisms behind them is of particular interests to solid state chemists …
The distinct properties of rare earth compounds often originate from several interactions and disentangling the mechanisms behind them is of particular interests to solid state chemists …