Scalable network route analysis

F Ye, S Zhang, M Ju, J Ong, A Vahdat… - US Patent 9,660,886, 2017 - Google Patents
This disclosure provides systems, methods and apparatus for providing a network
verification system (NVS) to analyze and detect anomalies and errors within a network. The …

Authentication for a multi-tier wireless home mesh network

A Patil, X Jing, A Liu, DN Nguyen - US Patent 8,904,177, 2014 - Google Patents
A method for a multi-tier wireless home mesh network may include authentication of a node
within a wireless home net working environment after discovering a wireless home mesh …

Wireless home mesh network bridging adaptor

X Jing, A Patil, A Liu, DN Nguyen - US Patent 8,964,634, 2015 - Google Patents
The network bridging adaptor is adapted to operate in an ad hoc network having access
restricted to only wireless nodes that are provided from a common entity. According to one …

Link inference in large networks based on incomplete data

R Balasubramaniam, JM Shaw - US Patent 8,089,904, 2012 - Google Patents
Effective management of a network generally requires knowledge of the topology of the
network. A preferred user interface for visualization and analysis tools generally pro vides a …

System and method for determining a topology of at least one application in a computerized organization

S Mohaban, H Rosh, Y Benado, Y Cohen - US Patent 9,215,270, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A computerized method for determining a structure of at least one
application in a computerized organization, the method comprising receiving at least one …

System for propagating a modification of a first service, in a service graph, to a second service

PM Bruun, T Mortensen, JV Markussen - US Patent 11,171,841, 2021 - Google Patents
Examples of an apparatus and method for propagating a modification to a service graph are
described herein. Relationships between services in the service graph are identified in …

System and method for storing a skeleton representation of an application in a computerized organization

S Mohaban, H Rosh, Y Benado, Y Cohen - US Patent 9,641,643, 2017 - Google Patents
(65) Prior Publication Data A computerized method for storing a representation of at US
2013/0325899 A1 Dec. 5, 2013 least one application in a computerized organization, the …

Methods and apparatus to track changes to a network topology

H Wang, RJ Ferro, LL Zhang, L Figueroa - US Patent 9,798,810, 2017 - Google Patents
Methods and apparatus to track network changes are disclosed herein. An example method
to track a network topology includes, in response to a reporting message including topology …

Method and apparatus for a wireless home mesh network with network topology visualizer

X Jing, A Patil, A Bhatnagar, A Liu… - US Patent 9,526,061, 2016 - Google Patents
An apparatus and method for a wireless home mesh network with a network topology
visualizer is described. In one embodiment, the method may include collecting node …

System and method for generating discovery profiles for discovering components of computer networks

B Makovsky - US Patent 10,263,849, 2019 - Google Patents
Generating discovery profiles for discovering components of a computer network using
agent software can include receiving a command from a client device to generate a …