The paper examines two structures in the clausal left periphery of Cypriot Greek, ie preverbal stressed constituents and it-clefts. The aim of the paper is two-fold: firstly, to …
S Tsiplakou - Frontiers in Communication, 2017 -
This article explores the concept of gradient bilectalism by capitalizing on insights from recent developments in second language acquisition, particularly the suggestion that …
This paper investigates the gradient nature of acceptability judgements and grammatical variants in the bilectal population of Cyprus, by comparatively discussing the findings of two …
This paper investigates structures of wh-in situ in a wh-ex situ language, Cypriot Greek (CG), where in-situ wh-expressions are felicitous to form an information question under particular …
KK Grohmann - Selected papers on theoretical and applied …, 2009 -
Cypriot Greek (CG) differs from Standard Modern Greek (SMG) in many interesting ways, even in the realm of grammar (morphosyntax). This paper investigates one such difference …
N Pavlou - Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistics Theory, 2009 -
This paper starts out from the discussion of the different approaches to the formation of wh- questions in Cypriot Greek which involve the use of embu and the possible assumptions that …
This paper examines the distribution of quantifiers in clefts. It addresses the fact that quantifiers are not always banned as clefted constituents and discusses analyses which …
N Pavlou - Third ISCA Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, 2010 -
The current study investigates the hypothesis that certain Cypriot Greek (CG) wh-phrases show similar paths of acquisition with cleft sentences based on syntactic complexity. That is …
E Papadopoulou, E Leivada, N Pavlou -
This paper investigates the gradient nature of acceptability judgements and grammatical variants in the bilectal population of Cyprus, by comparatively discussing the findings of two …