KADARKUM: The legal awareness program for enhancing citizen engagement in supporting rural development

SA Pradanna, H Irawan, P Bestari - Journal of Sustainable …, 2024 - goodwoodpub.com
Purpose: This study aimed to assess the role of the KADARKUM program in enhancing
citizens' legal awareness to support rural development. Research Methodology: This study …

Exploring Ethnopedagogy: Applying Ethnographic Studies in Thematic Learning in Elementary Schools

I Nursima, SM Rashid, D Abozaid - Journal of Basic Education …, 2024 - cahaya-ic.com
Abstract Purpose of the Study: This research aims to examine how ethnopedagogy is
implemented in thematic learning at MI Ma'arif Setono Jenangan Ponorogo, and analyze the …

Symbolic characters and class struggles in Ngugi's wa Thiongo's Petals of Blood

S Ordu - Journal of social, Humanity, and Education, 2022 - goodwoodpub.com
Purpose: Every piece of art must, without a doubt, make a statement about itself. This is due
to the fact that the more attractive something is, the more symbolic it becomes. Almost all …

The Effectiveness of Leadership, Coaching Systems, and Organizational Climate on the Work Effectiveness of Boarding School Caregivers

A Kadir - International Journal of Instruction, 2023 - e-iji.net
Islamic boarding school is known as the oldest Islamic educational institution in Indonesia
which has an important contribution in educating the nation. This study aims to examine the …

The Illustrations of Indigenization of Islam in Indonesian Cultural Landscape

DS Truna - Religious: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama Dan Lintas …, 2021 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
This study discusses how religious development in Indonesia has resulted in switching the
function of purity to non-purity in religious practices. Using a phenomenological approach …

Adinugraha Thought: Textual and Contextual Approaches in Understanding Islamic Studies to Deal with Life Problems

MM Musa - Jurnal Studi Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, 2022 - penerbitgoodwood.com
The life of society, along with the development of the times, makes the problems that occur in
life also develop. The development of complex problems makes science necessary to adapt …

Decision Support System for Determining Problematic Students Using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) Method

F Nuraida - Journal of Social Science, 2024 - jsss.co.id
In the world of primary and secondary education in Indonesia, educational guidance and
counseling services aim to help students become individuals who can overcome problems …

Human Resources (HR) Based Training and Development Competence.

NA Kadir - Journal of Social Science (2720-9938), 2024 - search.ebscohost.com
Human resources greatly determine the process of successful performance of an
organization. Human resource development aims to further facilitate the realization of …

How do smart devices control and changes the lifestyle habits of human being? A study in the context of Bangladesh

F Yasmin, MA Hossain - Journal of Social, Humanity, and …, 2021 - goodwoodpub.com
Purpose: The research has been conducted to find out how the smart device is changing
and controlling human's social, cultural, and economic lifestyles. Research methodology …

Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Melalui Program Literasi Ayat-Ayat Cinta Tanah Air Bagi Unit Dakwah Kampus Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

F Chodir, B Bunyamin, I Safi'i - Abdimas Galuh, 2024 - jurnal.unigal.ac.id
Mahasiswa di kampus Unair ada kecenderungan terpapar faham ekstrimis radikalis. Hal
seperti ini disebabkan oleh porsi pelajaran agama yang minim, mudah masuknya kelompok …