Hard structures, ie, roads, are commonly found over flood defences, such as dikes, in order to ensure access and connectivity between flood protected areas. Several climate change …
This master thesis is the final act of my study Hydraulic Engineering at the TU Delft. Last couple of months, I've exerted to make it a decent act. During this time I've felt like a genius …
This literature review is part of the PhD research of the author, which focusses on the effects of transitions on wave overtopping flow and dike cover erosion. The PhD research is part of …
Tot op heden wordt de stabiliteit van de dijken berekend aan de hand van een met gras bedekte standaarddijk. Constructies, zoals kunstwerken of wegen, in of op de dijk worden …
Failure of dike covers due to wave overtopping erosion may initiate dike breach. Surface transitions in the dike cover, such as cure points, height difference, roughness difference …