Longevity of clonal plants: why it matters and how to measure it

LC De Witte, J Stöcklin - Annals of botany, 2010 - academic.oup.com
Background Species' life-history and population dynamics are strongly shaped by the
longevity of individuals, but life span is one of the least accessible demographic traits …

Ecological genetics of plant invasion: what do we know?

SM Ward, JF Gaskin, LM Wilson - Invasive Plant Science and …, 2008 - cambridge.org
The rate at which plant invasions occur is accelerating globally, and a growing amount of
recent research uses genetic analysis of invasive plant populations to better understand the …

Ecological and evolutionary consequences of sexual and clonal reproduction in aquatic plants

CG Eckert, ME Dorken, SCH Barrett - Aquatic Botany, 2016 - Elsevier
Aquatic angiosperms have evolved from a diverse assemblage of terrestrial lineages and
exhibit broad variation in morphology, life history, and reproductive systems. This variation …

Sampling weedy and invasive plant populations for genetic diversity analysis

SM Ward, M Jasieniuk - Weed science, 2009 - cambridge.org
Recent advances in molecular methods and statistical analyses provide weed scientists with
powerful tools for examining the genetic structure of weedy plant populations. The value of …

Genetic relationships and variation in reproductive strategies in four closely related bromeliads adapted to neotropical 'inselbergs': Alcantarea glaziouana, A. regina, A …

T Barbará, G Martinelli, C Palma-Silva, MF Fay… - Annals of …, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Background and Aims Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae) adapted to rock outcrops or
'inselbergs' in neotropical rain forests have been identified as suitable plant models for …

Genetic diversity in Cypripedium calceolus (Orchidaceae) with a focus on north-western Europe, as revealed by plastid DNA length polymorphisms

MF Fay, R Bone, P Cook, I Kahandawala… - Annals of …, 2009 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Background and Aims Cypripedium calceolus, although widespread in Eurasia, is
rare in many countries in which it occurs. Population genetics studies with nuclear DNA …

Spatial genet dynamics of a dwarf bamboo: Clonal expansion into shaded forest understory contributes to regeneration after an episodic die‐off

H Tomimatsu, A Matsuo, Y Kaneko, E Kudo… - Plant Species …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
The ability of clonal plants to spread horizontally and to share resources within genets has
long been considered advantageous in spatially heterogeneous environments, yet our …

Clonal and spatial genetic structure within populations of a coastal plant, Carex kobomugi (Cyperaceae)

T Ohsako - American Journal of Botany, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Clarification of clonal growth pattern is critical for understanding the population dynamics
and reproductive system evolution of clonal plant species. The contribution of clonality to the …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of grazing and mowing on the clonal structure of Elytrigia atherica: a long-term study of abandoned and managed sites

RM Veneklaas, AC Bockelmann, TBH Reusch… - Preslia, 2011 - oceanrep.geomar.de
Physical disturbance by large herbivores can affect species diversity at the community level
and concurrently genetic diversity at the species level. As seedling establishment is rarely …

Two reproductively isolated cytotypes and a swarm of highly inbred, disconnected populations: a glimpse into Salicornia's evolutionary history and challenging …

A Vanderpoorten, OJ Hardy… - Journal of …, 2011 - academic.oup.com
The main factor of differentiation at six nuclear microsatellite and seven cpDNA loci in
Salicornia from the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts of France is cytotypic identity …