The first European mission dedicated to the exploration of Jupiter and its icy moons (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer—JUICE) will be launched in 2022 and will reach its final destination in …
Due to its significance in astrobiology, assessing the amount and state of liquid water present on Mars today has become one of the drivers of its exploration. Subglacial water …
IB Smith, DE Lalich, C Rezza… - Geophysical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Bright radar reflections observed beneath the south polar layered deposits (SPLD) by the Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding instrument were …
NATURE ASTRONOMY deposit, potentially resulting in stronger subsurface reflections. The region where bright reflectors were originally mapped 4 is not located below the south polar …
Abstract Knowledge of the physical and thermal properties of the South Polar Layer Deposits (SPLD) is key to constrain the source of bright basal reflections at Ultimi Scopuli …
S Nerozzi, JW Holt - Geophysical Research Letters, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The cavi unit at the north pole of Mars is a deposit of aeolian sand and water ice underlying the Late Amazonian north polar layered deposits. Its strata of Middle to Late Amazonian age …
The stratigraphy of the north polar layered deposits (NPLD) of Mars is believed to contain a climate record of the recent Amazonian period. However, full utilization of this record is …
The polar ice caps are the largest reservoir of water ice on Mars. The north polar ice cap is composed of the ice‐rich north polar layered deposit (NPLD) and a lower‐lying, silicate‐rich …
DE Lalich, JW Holt - Geophysical Research Letters, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
The north polar layered deposits (NPLD) of Mars represent a global climate record reaching back millions of years, potentially recorded in visible layers and radar reflectors. However …