Neural control of breathing and CO2 homeostasis

PG Guyenet, DA Bayliss - Neuron, 2015 -
Recent advances have clarified how the brain detects CO 2 to regulate breathing (central
respiratory chemoreception). These mechanisms are reviewed and their significance is …

The ventilatory response to hypoxia in mammals: mechanisms, measurement, and analysis

LJ Teppema, A Dahan - Physiological reviews, 2010 -
The respiratory response to hypoxia in mammals develops from an inhibition of breathing
movements in utero into a sustained increase in ventilation in the adult. This ventilatory …

Multi-level regulation of opioid-induced respiratory depression

B Palkovic, V Marchenko, EJ Zuperku… - …, 2020 -
Opioids depress minute ventilation primarily by reducing respiratory rate. This results from
direct effects on the preBötzinger Complex as well as from depression of the …

State‐dependent control of breathing by the retrotrapezoid nucleus

PGR Burke, R Kanbar, TM Basting… - The Journal of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Key points This study explores the state dependence of the hypercapnic ventilatory reflex
(HCVR). We simulated an instantaneous increase or decrease of central chemoreceptor …

Reconfiguration of the pontomedullary respiratory network: a computational modeling study with coordinated in vivo experiments

IA Rybak, R O'connor, A Ross… - Journal of …, 2008 -
A large body of data suggests that the pontine respiratory group (PRG) is involved in
respiratory phase-switching and the reconfiguration of the brain stem respiratory network …

Functional connectivity in the pontomedullary respiratory network

LS Segers, SC Nuding, TE Dick… - Journal of …, 2008 -
Current models propose that a neuronal network in the ventrolateral medulla generates the
basic respiratory rhythm and that this ventrolateral respiratory column (VRC) is profoundly …

Physiology of breathing and respiratory control during sleep

WR Krimsky, JC Leiter - Seminars in Respiratory and Critical …, 2005 -
Studies of respiratory control during sleep have revealed that multiple sites of central CO 2
chemosensitivity exist within the brainstem, and different chemosensory sites may function …

[PDF][PDF] Respiratory physiology: central neural control

J Orem, L Kubin - Principles and practice of sleep medicine, 2000 -
State-dependent changes in breathing are caused by nonrespiratory (tonic) inputs to the
brainstem systems that control ventilation. In wakefulness, tonic excitatory inputs include …

Long-term ventilatory adaptation and ventilatory response to hypoxia in plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae): role of nNOS and dopamine

A Pichon, B Zhenzhong, F Favret… - American Journal …, 2009 -
We assessed ventilatory patterns and ventilatory responses to hypoxia (HVR) in high-
altitude (HA) plateau pikas, repetitively exposed to hypoxic burrows, and control rats. We …

Expiratory activation of abdominal muscle is associated with improved respiratory stability and an increase in minute ventilation in REM epochs of adult rats

CG Andrews, S Pagliardini - Journal of Applied Physiology, 2015 -
Breathing is more vulnerable to apneas and irregular breathing patterns during rapid eye
movement (REM) sleep in both humans and rodents. We previously reported that robust and …