V Delibašić, S Mandarić - Kultura polisa, 2015 - kpolisa.com
Sport is a global phenomenon that preoccupies millions of spectators. Considering that violent behaviour is often manifested at sporting events and public gatherings, against which …
METOD Da bi se došlo do podataka o učešću mladih i nasilju na sportskim priredbama, au okviru toga o članstvu maloletnika u navijačkim grupama, tokom 2013. godine pokrenuto je …
B Otašević, B Janković - Primena prava i pravna sigurnost: zbornik …, 2021 - jakov.kpu.edu.rs
U naučnoj literaturi, kao iu medijima, često se razmatra uloga subjekata suprotstavljanja nasilju na sportskim priredbama, pre svega policije, sudova, tužilaštva, pripadnika privatnog …
In this paper the author examines the socio-pathological aspects of delinquent groups issues in Serbia. After reviewing the definition and features of delinquent groups, we offer a …
Despite the efforts of European countries to fight violence at sporting events, it is still present to a greater or lesser extent, in almost all European countries. Violence can be seen in …