The main purpose of Media Performance is to “set out and examine the record of a particular, though very broad, tradition of enquiry into the working of the mass media in their …
Background Most national counter‐radicalization strategies identify the media, and particularly the Internet as key sources of risk for radicalization. However, the magnitude of …
Grounded in theoretical principle, Media Effects and Society help students make the connection between mass media and the impact it has on society as a whole. The text also …
The Internet offers significant possibilities for supporting the fulfillment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and advancing all human rights, including access to …
At the height of the Cold War, the US government enlisted the aid of a select group of psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists to blueprint enemy behavior. Not only did …
" This volume assembles an estimable range of critical analyses of one of the most important mediated artifacts of the modern world—the media event. The authors challenge the …
Selten sind Journalisten so massiv mit den möglichen negativen Konsequenzen ihrer Berichterstattung konfrontiert worden wie bei fremdenfeindlichen Straftaten. Der Umgang …
E Ringmar - International organization, 2012 -
This article provides a framework for the comparative study of international systems. By analyzing how international systems are framed, scripted, and performed, it is possible to …
G Weimann - Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
Cyberterrorism conjures up images of vicious terrorists unleashing catastrophic attacks against computer networks, wreaking havoc, and paralyzing nations. This is a frightening …