" Both WG Sebald (1944-2001) and the Austrian author Christoph Ransmayr (1954-) were born too late to know directly the violence of the Second World War and the Holocaust, but …
J Baxter, B Hutchinson, V Henitiuk - 2015 - torrossa.com
A literature of restitution: Critical essays on WG Sebald literatureof restitution Critical essays on WG Sebald A Edited by Jeannette Baxter Valerie Henitiuk Ben Hutchinson Page 2 A literature …
The book presents Winfried Georg Sebald and Ian McEwan as paradigmatic post-imperial writers who enmeshed in the hierarchies of power inherited from their imperial times, strive …
W Peeters - WG Sebald-Handbuch: Leben–Werk–Wirkung, 2017 - Springer
Sebalds Werk zeugt von einem melancholischen Blick auf (sub-) urbane Architektur: Häufig stehen der Zerfall, die ungebrochene Monstrosität oder die Lesbarkeit des architektonischen …
This thesis explores the production of a discourse on urban change and of images of the city through place marketing practices in Berlin between 1989 and 2004. It investigates the …
J Catling, R Hibbitt, L Wolff - Saturn's Moons, 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
This bibliography aims to show, as comprehensively as possible, the breadth and depth of secondary literature on WG Sebald published up to and including 2010. We would like to …
Uno dei tratti formali più caratteristici della prosa dello scrittore tedesco WG Sebald è costituito dalla presenza delle immagini all'interno del continuum testuale. Esse non sono …
Paul Scheerbart – Jewiki Jewiki unterstützen. Jewiki, die größte Online-Enzyklopädie zum Judentum. Helfen Sie Jewiki mit einer kleinen oder auch größeren Spende. Einmalig oder …
This thesis describes the relationship between post-Second World War discourses and postcolonialism as observed in a selection of works by expatriate'postmemory'authors after …